Missions Accomplished
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Our Global Impact
As an organization, we celebrate our achievements, but we know that we still have much more to accomplish. We will continue to welcome partnerships that will helps us make a greater impact in communities locally and globally. We have much to look forward to in the future and we thank you for your support!
Impact by the Numbers

Kenya was the founding mission trip for BGR. In 2010, 93 people volunteered to travel with us to Kenya to provide medical services to people in remote areas. Our team was able to impact lives in six remote areas of Kenya, traveling over 300 miles from Nairobi. Since this trip, Kenya has become a yearly medical and dental mission trip that benefits 1,500-3,000 people— and even more after we have left. In additional to the medical and dental camp, we have deployed teams for leadership conferences for community leaders and education conferences for teachers. BGR has provided monetary donations to purchase mandatory school uniforms. We’ve also assisted in building water-wells, a community center and an additional building for classrooms. Through our in-country partners, we continue our efforts to make a sustainable impact by providing for the needs of the students to help them get the education necessary to help their communities.
We were introduced to mission work in Haiti after the major earthquake of 2010. Our assistance was requested by Angel Wings International to help bring much-needed medical care to the people in Jacmel, located 54 miles from Port-au-Prince. BGR partially funded the Angel Wings Clinic, where several mission teams were sent to provide medical treatment for people that lacked the resources to receive basic healthcare. Since 2013, more than 4,000 people have benefited from the work of volunteer missionaries and the funds that have been sent.
Belize has always been an annual mission trip for BGR since 2016, but has recently become a quarterly mission. The trip consist of church leadership development, vacation bible school, educational development and assistance with infrastructure issues in the village of Gales Point. This is an area of forgotten people at the very end of the island. Our teams are working with the local church in the community to repair some of the damages caused by storms impacting the area. This has also become a mission project for the youth, where they fill barrels with school supplies and shoes to be shipped to students in Gales Point.
Dominican Republic
BGR sponsored a missionary on a two-year, long-term mission trip, where she lived with a host family, taught in a local school, and worked with a local church. We had the opportunity to send a missions team there to support her efforts. The team hosted vacation bible study and was able to interact with the local community through street evangelism.
Through our mission trips to Guatemala, partnerships have been made that have developed into a Spanish ministry being started here in Houston at The Church at Bethel’s Family. During our visits to Guatemala, our teams conducted vacation bible school and visited local schools and orphanages. Hundreds of uniforms and shoes have been sent to the local church and orphanage as well as books and school supplies. Each trip has been an opportunity for us to be an even bigger blessing than before.
The initial contact for our partnership in Honduras was made on a land excursion by our mission outreach coordinators in 2018. The first mission took place the following year when our team made repairs to a local orphanage and church. The team had the opportunity to conduct vacation bible school at the church. They also went throughout the villages and hospitals to pray with the people. Over 100 backpacks were given to the children at the school and the orphanage.
South Africa
This past year, BGR partnered with a family that was deployed to the mission field in South Africa. Over the past year, our missionary team trained approximately 800 people across Africa from Eastern Cape and Cape Town, South Africa; Nsanje, Malawi; Abidjan, Cote D’lvoir and Lome, Togo. The Gospel was shared with more than 2,500 people as they traveled to the various areas.