Reach Out and Touch a Life Through Missions

Make a Difference,
Be a World Changer

To see the world, you must first look beyond yourself! To make an impact in this world, we must continue to do things that others are not willing to do! We must look ahead and understand the needs of not only of our society but globally. The things we do today will affect the generations of tomorrow! Will you answer the call to be different?

You have the power to help countless people around the world – by learning, volunteering, speaking out and donating. Your involvement with Bethel’s Global Reach enables poor women and children to create lasting change for themselves, their families, and their communities – and ultimately for the world we all share.

"A small group of determined and like-minded people can change the course of history."

Mahatma Gandhi

$15M in Aid Distributed

We provide life essentials to those in need. We have provided medical and dental treatment to over 25,000 pediatric and adult patients.

3,000+ Missionaries Deployed

We have trained and equipped over 3,000 missionaries for the mission field.


People Impacted

There have been confessions of faith from over 1,000 people! Every soul captured for God's glory is a monumental blessing.

18 Global Ministry Partners

We have provided pastoral support in countries worldwide and have aided in the planting of 350 churches.

UST Nursing Students Spread Healing in Kenya

Three University of St. Thomas nursing students traveled to Nairobi, Kenya, this summer with Bethel’s Global Reach to care for patients in need. The two-week trip included clinical work, health information sessions and other activities while attending the needs of the nomadic Maasai Mara Tribe. More than 600 people were seen.

“It was a different experience for our students,” Dr. Lucindra Campbell-Law, professor for Peavy School of Nursing and mission trip faculty member, said. “In terms of health care issues and concerns, the Maasai Mara Tribe have some of the same chronic illnesses that we have here.

UST Students to Participate in Cross-Cultural, Global Community of Practice in Kenya

Five University of St. Thomas-Houston students — one graduate nursing from the Peavy School of Nursing (PSON); three doctoral and one undergraduate from the School of Education and Human Services students (SEHS) — will travel to Kenya this summer on a Catholic service mission trip with Bethel’s Global Reach (BGR)to care for students, teachers and patients in under-resourced communities. The BGR mission aligns with UST, PSON and SEHS in teaching students to engage holistically with community in service and care.

Dr. Lucindra Campbell-Law, divisional dean of Graduate Programs/Professor from PSON and Dr. Anne Gichuri, associate professor/director of Research from the SOEHS, are the faculty leads traveling with the students on June 4-17.

Our global impact would not be possible without our global partners.

You can change lives globally, even if you aren't on the mission field!